Video of Interest: Solve The Shidduch Crisis – One Date at a Time


3 Responses

  1. It is a shallow misconception to think that age is the only reason why pple arent getting married. Many of us that got married older have taken major steps ; steps out of our comfort zone or what we were used to to find our zivug. When we say a shidduch is: kekriyas yam suf; kriyas yam suf wasn’t 1 2 3. If it’s kekriyas yam suf, then for those of us left not having split the yam yet; it should leave us thinking very much about something big we need to do to actually cause kriyas yam suf. There are great boys and girls alike out there that will make great husbands and/or wives. Maybe not from the same background, country, age, profession or yeshiva that you’re used to. But hey, speak to most 30+ girls and boys that have said no to precisely the type they married at 40. Only then at 40 it came with 2-5 or more children and a lot of baggage. Hkb”h wants to see nachas from his children. He really doesn’t care about the type or color of the hat. He doesn’t care how much your seminaries or yeshivos spoke about learning full time. He doesn’t care about class discrimination towards families…. He cares to see his children grow. The excuse that “I couldn’t find a litvish boy” will sound foolish. Or that ” That family and ours werent on the same level” will not be excused. Our neshamos are bound to our spouses and sometimes these spouses can come from the most unexpected places and in uxpected ways. If at some point even 6 yrs into marriage, your criteria is not fulfilling your shidduch quest then you’ll have to refine and revise your search and dig deeper and forgo the lesser imp stuff. Take it from me. cus if you’ll think that maybe I can have a better more my type chance next time when the guy/girl is modisdig and the imp things are there? and if your over 25 then lemmi tell you, you’re in danger of turning 40 and settling with that type which you’ve said no to all your life only now with 2-7 + children and maybe even in a far off land. If you wanna get married, you can…

  2. I could not help but notice how goofy and immature sounding these boys are on the video. Of course they need older more mature women as their mate. These boys are lost otherwise.

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