The Guatemalan police carried out a massive raid of the Lev Tahor cult at the border between Guatemala and El Salvador on Friday, rescuing 160 children and teens and 40 women after testimonies of severe abuse at the cult’s compound.
The raid, involving over 400 police officers, soldiers, and psychologists, took place following testimonies from four minors who escaped from the cult last month and provided shocking details to the police about serious offenses. A formal complaint was filed to the Guatemalan state prosecutor’s office, which decided to launch an operation to rescue the minors in the cult.
Guatemalan state prosecutor Dimas Jimenez said at a press briefing that the raid was conducted due to alleged “forced pregnancy, mistreatment of minors and rape.” According to Jimenez, the raid was supported by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
The authorities also found the bones of a child that was buried at the compound.
No arrests were made during the raid but computers, phones, and other equipment that could serve as evidence were confiscated. Authorities are considering the possibility of filing charges against the leaders of the cult for human trafficking and other serious offenses.
According to reports in the local media, members of the cult were forbidden from eating meat, fish, and poultry. Children were separated from their parents and forced into marriages, and among other things, the community enforced discipline through public floggings.
In a statement released by the Jewish community in Guatemala, it was noted that the community is not connected to the Lev Tahor cult and it supports the Guatemalan authorities in carrying out necessary investigations “to protect the lives and integrity of minors and other vulnerable groups that may be at risk.” The community called on governments and organizations from countries whose members belong to Lev Tahor to cooperate to protect those whose rights may be violated.

(YWN’s Jerusalem desk is keeping you updated after tzeis ha’Shabbos in Israel)
10 Responses
I’m sure they’ll provide them with a jewish and kosher upbringing. Well done!
Ami magazine to hold a fundraiser for them soon!
Wow! I’m impressed that YWN didn’t repeat their usual bogus claim that they have been “fighting” the LT cult for decades, when all they did was publish news articles about the cult.
Why don’t the authorities just shoot the leaders of this cult in their heads, rather than carrying out raids every 18 months?
Moreinu HoRav Eliezer Berland שליט”א is a צדיק גמור in comparison to these lev tahor miscreants
Frum communities are established nowadays. We have established that we protect abusers, enable abuse, and disavow victims, pushing them out of the community.
This is very different from the Lev Tahor cult. Nobody should conflate the behaviors and attitudes of the mainstream frum world with the behaviors and attitudes of the Lev Tahor cult. They’re like, so, so different. No outsider would mistake one for the other.
Boruch Hashem
The amazing irony is that after all these years it has become clear that the safest country for Lev Tahor and the only county that would have allowed them to continue to operate is Israel.
I really hope you are joking and you don’t mean it seriously, otherwise you are lacking in serious facts and details.
Just BTW, helbrandz was a talmid of berland, he educated him into becoming what he was and what he built r”l.
I wish more people would understand you. There are “grey” areas that we obfuscate in an attempt to hide our “mainstream” neuroses, and subtle abuses.
There are too many women living in basements, alone, with and without children, robbed of dignity and sunlight. Their stress and distress is terrible. Often the husband or family that discarded them appears “normal”, and continues to receive kibbudim in shul, and invitations within the family. They collect undeserved pity, as people cluck their tongues about their disfunctional ex-wife or sister/mother/daughter… or sons. And the nirdaf suffers bizyonos.
If they are silent, their friends know that they have the special light of
“Ne’lavim v’eynam olvim, shom-im cherpasam v’ainam maishivin”. They spread brachos among all who are kind to the them.
If the pain becomes to much to bear, they explode, and unwittingly spread chillul haShem that they did not choose to participate in.
To those who have been rodef a wife, daughter, or son, Hashem is catching up on you. You may think nobody saw and you got away with it. You didn’t get away with it.
He was waiting for you to do teshuva. But your time will be coming.