New York Democrats Gather For 2-Day Convention

cuomNew York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is expected to introduce his running mate as the state’s Democratic Party gathers on Long Island to endorse its candidates for the fall elections.

Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli are set to pick up their party’s nod Wednesday on the convention’s first day. Nominations for governor and lieutenant governor are scheduled for Thursday.

Cuomo is widely expected to tap a running mate from upstate New York or voter-rich Long Island. Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone and former U.S. Rep. Kathy Hochul, of Buffalo, have been mentioned as possibilities. Lt. Gov. Robert Duffy announced earlier this month he would not seek another term.

The details of the convention schedule haven’t been announced, fueling speculation about the identity of any invited speakers. President Barack Obama is scheduled to visit Cooperstown on Thursday. Both former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, a former secretary of state and U.S. Senator from New York, have been mentioned as possibilities.

Republicans held their convention last week, nominating Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino for governor, Onondaga County Comptroller Robert Antonacci for comptroller and John Cahill, a former top aide to former Gov. George Pataki, for attorney general.

Cuomo is well ahead in early polling, but Astorino has argued that his re-election in Democratic-leaning Westchester County shows he can compete with the governor for Democratic and moderate voters.

The conventions signal the true beginning of election season, and a chance for the parties to unite behind a slate of candidates.


One Response

  1. Evidently, the location of this convention is secret, because this article fails to identify the location more precisely than “Long Island,” which is an area of about 1,400 square miles. I presume that the location of the convention is probably undisclosed so that no one can see what kind of socialist plans the libs in the Democratic Party are cooking up.

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