FOUND: Queens Hatzolah Has B”H Found The Missing 14-Year-Old Girl [9:15PM]


The search for the 14-year-old missing girl has ended. Hatzolah has Boruch Hashem found her in good condition. Please pass this along to anyone who you may have told about the search. All personal details have been removed from this article for obvious reasons.

Queens Hatzolah thanks all the volunteers who assisted, including Chaveirim, and Shomrim.

(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

9 Responses

  1. Yes. One hour, in a really bad neighborhood, and it is getting dark. And she is not well.

    Pikuach nefashos mammish.

  2. Just say a kappital tehillim, and stop being so nosy. Hatzolah is scrambling, cops have dogs and choppers overhead, and your asking pathetic questions. “only an hour”?

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