Ben-Gurion Airport Bans GetTaxi Drivers

gtaThe Israel Airports Authority has barred GetTaxi and its drivers from operating at Ben-Gurion Airport, preventing them from picking up arriving passengers. “Globes” has obtained the letter from the Airports Authority’s lawyer to GetTaxi, which states, “GetTaxi drivers are not allowed to accept orders via the application and collect passengers from Airports Authority, because this is not a special trip reserved in advance. For taxis belonging to the company or operated by it to make trips from Airports Authority, the company must obtain commercial permission from the Airports Authority, among other things.”

GetTaxi CEO Shahar Waiser counters, “The law says something very simple: there are two ways to leave at Ben-Gurion Airport by taxi, either by a franchisee who won a tender to take you immediately from the taxi stand at the airport, or by a private driver or driver at the taxi stand who pays the Airports Authority a fee for leaving the airport. This is how all of GetTaxi’s drivers have operated, but the moment passengers who ordered rides through us reached a large number, it began bothering the other parties and Ben-Gurion Airport manager Shmuel Zakkai has an interest to support them.”

To read the entire article, please click on the following hyperlink.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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