R’ Lior Shlita: Oppose Surrogacy Bill at Any Cost

liorBayit Yehudi faction members held a meeting on Monday 19 Iyar 5774 which was attended by HaGaon HaRav Dov Lior Shlita and HaGaon HaRav Chaim Druckman Shlita. They discussed a number of issues pertaining to the Knesset summer session including the Surrogacy Bill. The meeting was held following media reports that Yesh Atid and Bayit Yehudi reached agreement on the bill. This was not always the case. Actually, the treasury, controlled by Yesh Atid, froze money for Yesha communities when Bayit Yehudi opposed the law, which intends to permit to’eva couples to ‘bring children into the world’ R”L. Finance Minister Yair Lapid hopes holding back funds will compel Bayit Yehudi to support the bill.

Rav Lior reiterated his position, stating despite the delays in funding by Yair Lapid and despite the fact Yesh Atid MKs are fighting the Bayit Yehudi bill to prevent future releases of terrorists, the dati leumi party may not support the surrogacy bill under any circumstances.

“This is a process of anti-religious legislation and one may not view it as a single independent bill. Therefore my opinion if that the surrogacy bill must be opposed, perhaps even if this means leaving the coalition” the rav stated.

The rav added “This is cultural war, ערקתא דמסאנא, and there can be no flexibility. This is how we must understand this and act. We may not permit this bill to pass into law”.

The Chotem Forum and the Puah Institute added their strong objections, warming if passed into law the to’eva couples will seek state services and this will be on the backs of the legitimate couples seeking to bring children into the world.

Chotem adds if passed into law, the new law would result in a baby for profit commerce as people with buy children without adopting them. Chotem also warns many children will be ‘problematic’ and this will become apparent when they try to get married.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Is this simply to spite Yesh Atid,or is there an halachic issue involved. Israel is notoriously liberal in allowing surrogacy (probably because being a non-mamzer isn’t much of a challenge whereas in western cultures it isn’t hard to be illegimate), and more importantly, the debate of surrogacy was a while back, and it doesn’t really prevent gays from doing things they can already do legally. If he’s concerned about the “culture wars” shouldn’t he be opposing conscription, defunding yeshivos, and the other Bayit Yehudi supported anti-Torah legislation.

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