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Arrests Made In ‘Price Tag’ Investigations

arrestTwo people suspected of price tag attacks have been arrested by police on Monday, 19 Iyar 5774. Police from the National Fraud Unit and Shai police made the arrest. Police state the arrests were based in tips received by investigators. One of the defendants in custody, a 17-year-old, is not being permitted to meet with an attorney his family reports. A gag order has been placed on the case as well.

Shai (Shomron-Yehuda) spokesman Dudi Asraf reports the arrests are part of stepped-up efforts to apprehend perpetrators of hate crimes.

Police on Tuesday 20 Iyar report the arrest of three additional price tag suspects who they feel perpetrated attacks in Yokneam in recent months. The arrests were made by Afula district police.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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