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Jerusalem Launches 10 Million NIS Skateboard Park

skJerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat on Monday, 19 Iyar 5774 dedicated the city’s new 10 million shekel skaters park. The part provides a home for skateboarders and others involved in extreme sports. It is located in Liberty Bell Park, occupying an acre of land.

The mayor was a force behind the project as he realized the skateboarders had nowhere to go other than endangering themselves in the streets.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Amazing! There’s a major budget issue with feeding the poor, but somehow we have the money for a skateboard park!

    BTW – for anyone rude and ignorant enough to comment about who’s poor, I used to volunteer for Lav L’Achim and there’s quite a number of notable poor secular areas in Jerusalem that we frequented. I remember meeting a family that was hanging out with there mother on the sidewalk because they couldn’t afford to pay the electricity bill. Maybe Barkat should think about that first!

  2. All he’s thinking about is don’t do anything for the Charedim. If all Charedi boys skateboarded this would NEVER happen!
    These people should be tried in the court of Hauge for crimes against humanity!

  3. The gemara in shekalim bemoans the fact that people spend money to build beautiful shuls instead of support Torah learning. I wonder how it would feel about skateboard parks…

  4. #2. They will eventually be tried in the only court that matters, the Bais Din Shel Maalah, and then they’ll get what’s coming to them.

  5. Did you miss the part where it says, “the skateboarders had nowhere to go other than endangering themselves in the streets”? The mayor has an obligation to keep our kids and drivers safe.

  6. Happy Olah – that’s a smoke screen. There’s plenty of safe side streets and parks that the kids can skateboard at.

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