Chareidim Burn an Effigy of Yair Lapid in Tiveria on Lag B’Omer

lapAccording to the Maariv report, hundreds of chareidim took part in a motzei Shabbos Lag B’Omer bonfire in the Brenner neighborhood of Tiveria. They burned Yair Lapid in effigy as a large doll was set ablaze in the bonfire which had a photo of Lapid attached to it. According to the report, the doll was attached to a pole erev Shabbos and lit on motzei Shabbos with the start of Lag B’Omer celebrations. The report explains this is proof the act was not just a spontaneous joke but a planned event which was prepared before shabbos.

Tiveria Shas Councilman Yossi Oknin stated “This is a most serious matter and first and foremost we decry the act. We checked area shuls and schools and it appears it was indeed the act of a child who thought it was funny”.

Oknin added the local minhag is to attach a large doll which represents Haman and he is burned with the Lag B’Omer fire. This year a child added Lapid’s photo. “There was no premeditated act and no one intended to burn Lapid in effigy” added Oknin.

MK Ronen Hoffman (Yesh Atid) decried the act, calling it “criminal”, joined by MK (Yesh Atid) Rabbi Dov Lipman who added “This hooliganism is a disgrace as these people where a yarmulke and tzitzis. Have they learned nothing? Their rabbonim must explain the difference between protest and incitement to them. Those responsible belong in jail”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

19 Responses

  1. Dov! These Rabannim used to be yours until you left yideshkeit!
    You and your “goons ” who continue this incitement belong in prison! (if it was a religious government doing this to you, you’d also cry that they belong in prison.

  2. Those kids who did it arent right for what they did.

    But the bigger chilul Hashem is when Dov Lipman pouces on this as an opportunity to slam the chareidim which he claims to be a part of.

  3. No one said the kids are right for what they did, but for Dov and goons to BLOW UP every charedi issue is outrageous!! Just looking find things to bash and punch at!
    What about the other thousands of fires that didn’t do it?

  4. Anybody who is ouraged at this is either a self-hating jew or a bleeding heart liberal who’s brains have fallen out or both. Mark my words, acting like an ostrich and sticking your head in the sand doesn’t protect you from the truth. Indeed that is exactly where he’s heading after his sojourn in this world into the fires (of eternal damnation), and that is only if he’s very lucky, I doubt that the ones in charge will grant him the priviledge.

  5. What’s the problem? Haman they also hung and burned. Aren’t they on the save level who “love” (religious) Jews?

  6. Dont know why people think it’s so bad if the article understand that a doll of haman is ok to burn then lapid should also be ok is he better then haman? Both wanted/want to get rid of Yiddishket.

  7. And when the Arabs burn an American flag or the President in effigy, we call it Freedom of Expression / Speech. Either it is always wrong or always the rights of all citizens of a democratic society.

  8. Just a reminder to him that that’s what’s awaiting him in the world to come. Will people decry that too?

  9. the guy is a rosha merusha. haman wanted to wipe out the goofim and lapid the neshama whats the difference whos to say which one is worse. my only regret is that i wasnt there. plllleeeease

  10. Whether it is ok or not to publicly burn an effigy of Yair Lapid shouldn’t be of discussion.
    Its the question of whether its a chillul hashem.

  11. AND as the mesilas yesharim is mechadeish at the end that even if al pi halacha it is mutar or even min hamuvchar or chassidus, it should not be done if it will cause other yidden to make fun and thereby doing a big aveirah of belittling shomrei mitzvos/mevazeh dvar Hashem (as long as it is not a chiyuv obviously) (hmm, and thats interesting cuz we do a lot of chumros that they make fun of?! unless gedarim that help us safeguard our torah and kedusha are differrent?)

  12. I think the self centered street sweeper, Dovy, is just jealous that it wasn’t his picture that was put up there. Get over it Dovy!

  13. We are losing focus. Lapid and Lipman are not the real enemy. The yetzer hara is the only real enemy. Wage war against the yetzer hara, and Lapid and Lipman won’t be a problem.

  14. 12:
    Actually, according to some, Haman wanted to wipe out both the religion and the body. Achasverosh, on the other hand, had no problems with the Jews living in his kingdom; but he agreed with Haman that the religion should go.

    The Zionists are no different, as their faith of Zionism and very identity as Zionists is shmad.

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