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VIDEOS: IDF Reservists Protest at Yitzhar Junction



Dozens of IDF reservists protested on Sunday, Lag B’Omer 5774 at Yitzhar Junction in Shomron. Most of the reserve duty personnel taking part in the event are affiliated with the Labor Party. They decried price tag attacks and attacks by Yitzhar residents against IDF personnel. They carried Israeli flags and signs stating the IDF must remain committed to respecting everyone without consideration for one’s race, creed or religion.

There was a harsh exchange of words between Shomron Regional Council leader Gershon Mesika and MK (Labor) Itzik Shmueli. Mesika labeled the protest “political demagoguery”. Authorities arrived on the scene and instructed protestors to disband, explaining the gathering was illegal.

Some of the protestors made a point of explaining their protest was not directed at Yitzhar residents per se but against the so-called price tag attacks and those responsible for carrying them out. They also decried attacks that were directed at reserve soldiers in the yishuv in recent months. “We did not come to fight against anyone but we are calling on them to take a look in their own camp and oust those extremists responsible for these acts” soldiers are quoted by Maariv saying. They explained if a soldier is sent to remove persons from a community that soldier is simply following orders and he is not acting alone based on his own beliefs.

Shmueli added “attacks against innocent people and IDF soldiers represents crossing a red line”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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