Crown Heights Hatzalah Garage Defaced with Swastikas and Hate Messages


On Motzai Shabbos residents discovered swastikas and hate filled messages scrawled on the wall of Hatzalah garage in Crown Heights. Earlier, on Shabbos morning, residents found leaflets with printed swastikas spread in the same area.

Shabbos morning a resident discovered hundreds of small leaflets with printed swastikas on them spread all over the Carroll and Schenectady area. A passing police cruiser was flagged down and alerted to the incident.

Officers took a police report and police sources told that “the incident is under investigation.”

Later, on Motzai Shabbos, residents discovered graffiti on the wall of the Hatzalah garage on Schenectady Avenue. The messages included a number of swastikas as well as hate filled messages against Jews.

Police were immediate notified after the discovery, and hate crimes investigation has been opened. Police sources add that in light of the recent discovery they would be looking into the Shabbos morning incident as possibly related.

At the request of the police department Shomrim volunteers painted over the graffiti.

(Source: CHI)

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