More Arab Violence & Attacks in Yerushalayim

parAccording to a Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) report, there is an increase in Arab violence and attacks in Yerushalayim. The report stated that in March 2013, there were 157 incidents in the capital. There were 150 in February and 140 in January, painting a disturbing picture regarding the situation in the nation’s capital vis-à-vis Arab attacks.

The focus of the Arab violence is in the area of holy sites, including Har HaZeisim, the Old City and the City of David. Most of the attacks (80%) involve throwing rocks or other objects and 2% involve firebombs. B’chasdei Hashem, there are no injuries in most attacks; accounting for the fact they are rarely reported.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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