Kiryas Joel: Thousands To Attend Annual Lag B’Omer Fire

sAn ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in New York’s Hudson Valley says it expects 70,000 people to attend a bonfire celebration.

Kiryas Joel in Orange County will host the bonfire Saturday night to mark the Jewish holiday of Lag Baomer.

Local organizers say it is the largest such celebration in the United States. The village 40 miles north of New York City expects 70,000 people to attend this year.

Kiryas Joel was incorporated in 1977 by members of the Satmar Hasidic sect from Brooklyn.


13 Responses

  1. If you doubt that 708 thousand could possibly show up for the event, you pretty much cant have a nunderstanding of hassidim, and other peoples interests in attending.

  2. Who ever was there, wouldn’t talk out loud… it was a huge gathering, let’s say not 70,000, but it was in the 10,000’s, more then any Lag Boamer fire in the US…. this is the way how people are talking ‘everywhere’….

  3. I dont know if it was there 70,000 but it’s not impossible satmer alone have about 40,000/50,000 with bachurim and boys plus alot different chasdisen go there because it’s the most popular lug bomer Fire in the us so dont speak just because of you hate satmer be realistic.

  4. What was the exact chilul hashem? Nothing different tham any jewish levaya parade etc. Noise was not even an issue since they all at KJ apreciate this the past 8 or more years. Just fargin another jew his breath. Stop all being your own jew haters.

  5. Heres a less harsh comment maybe my previous coment will not be allowed: Just fargin another group of us. There couldnt have been even a noise complaint since they all enjoy it and look forward for it

  6. Re comment no. 5: I disagree. If there were 15,000 Satmarer people, there would be not more than 290,000 fingers. I have seen how Satmarers operate power saws.

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