Greenfield Thanks Mayor for Extending Yeshiva UPK Deadline to Monday

gfnMayor Bill de Blasio extended today’s deadline for yeshiva and community based organizations to apply to become Universal Pre-Kindergarten providers to Monday, May 19th at 5:00pm. Councilman David G. Greenfield made the request of the Mayor’s office because many yeshivas who wanted to apply for UPK needed extra time. Greenfield has worked closely with the mayor, expressing concerns over getting the word out to families in need of these services and the organizations throughout New York City that are capable of providing quality UPK. Greenfield spent the last four months working with the Deputy Mayor and Department of Education to make the program work for the yeshiva community.

Greenfield thanked Mayor de Blasio for hearing his concerns and ensuring that there is enough time for every parent and provider to have the opportunity to access UPK.

“Universal Pre-Kindergarten is crucial to every child’s educational foundation, which is why every child in New York City deserves to be enrolled in a quality program. I thank Mayor de Blasio for working with our yeshiva community to address the unique concerns we have. This extra weekend should allow many more yeshivas and non-profits to apply for this UPK program that reimburses providers up to $10,000 per child. I encourage all eligible yeshivas and providers to apply,” said Greenfield.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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