Kosher Men’s Exercise DVD – Is This Really a No-Brainer!?


Fit Yid” is the name of a newly released Kosher Men’s Exercise DVD, which has recently made its touch-down in stores in greater New York, NJ and across the Jewish spectrum. It has quickly gained popular approbation and professional admiration.

There is no need to elaborate on the obesity crisis plaguing our society, especially the frum community particularly the men and boys. Although we are well aware of the importance of maintaining optimum health through positive habits such as good nutrition and frequent exercise, we are far behind when it comes to actually applying it to our lives. Typical cuisine at the many simchas we attend, and even at our Shabbos tables, makes eating healthy quite a challenge. Attending the gym regularly and playing sports are not the right answer for many due to financial limitations, time constraints, and community standards.

The seemingly most feasible solution would be a home based, no equipment needed fitness DVD. However, there is not even one exercise DVD available on the non-Jewish market that would be suitable for a Jewish home. (All of them contain inappropriately dressed women on the cast, and even if they would not, the language and music would not be such that a frum man would wish to bring into his home and definitely not in his dining room in front of his wife and children…)

There are kosher exercise DVD’s out there for women already, yet this is the first-ever DVD intended for frum men and boys, including an all-male-cast and 100% kosher music.

“This is what I’ve been hearing numerous times before and during the production, as well as the response after the release: ‘I’ve been waiting for something like this for years’ or ‘What a zechus you have to be mezakeh the community with such a much needed tool.’ This makes me realize just how needed this DVD indeed is and makes my work all the more rewarding” says Mr. Miller from Labriut LLC – producers of Fit Yid.

The DVD is designed to do the most for the body in the least amount of time, given that the typical frum man is exceptionally preoccupied and has little time in his day to be concerned about his health. Four 20-minute segments, with a variety of levels and different exercises covering the entire body, allow fitness to fit into ones’ day.

“I have done the entire DVD at least 3 to 4 times in the first week that I got it and believe me when I say I’m busy; nevertheless I have made time for this imperative, most valuable tool that was sent min hashamayim to my office,” said Eliezer Gruber CN founder of Nutri-supreme research, in an interview with the trainers and producers of Fit Yid on his popular (J-root) radio show Healthy Living.

This revolutionary DVD has is a breakthrough in our community. It is something that people have been wanting for years, and is an effective tool for anyone who wishes to lose weight either for a simcha, or to follow doctor’s orders or simply to maintain their current suit size.

The wise man who knows the benefits of exercise has found salvation at last.




8 Responses

  1. What’s gonna happen to all the tuna baigels after this DVD? If this DVD is successful so tuna baigels will be extinct and the world will not be able to function anymore

  2. I used it last night for the first time. It looks great!

    By the way, there are other men’s kosher exercise videos made by Tom Holland (not Jewish) called Total Body Workout II and Total Abs Workout, both available on They both consist of just Tom Holland in the video and his brother singing/playing in the background to keep the beat. There are no women in the video or on the voice track.

  3. My family loves this video. Wonder why it took so long in the making. Hashem gives us a body & its our responsibility to care for it.

    Thanks for this well-made DVD

  4. Clever. All one does it take an existing product, put proper clothes on the same-gender models, adjust music and text — and you have a frum video. The exercise scripting part is the hard part, but that’s already been done for the producer.

    Though perhaps some frum gyms might be a good idea (for some frum fitness entrepreneur).

  5. “the language and music would not be such that a frum man would wish to bring into his home and definitely not in his dining room in front of his wife and children”

    My Rav always says, if you wouldnt be comfortable for your wife and/or kids to see/hear it, then it isnt for you.

  6. when hitting click here for more and the video clip is done an ad for a dvd that is not tzenis comes up in top right hand corner. First of all it “click here needs to be removed asap. also I’m sure that mostly music (seller of fit yid does not sell it (the untzinus video.)

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