Slomiansky on New Housing Eligibility Law

snMK (Bayit Yehudi) Nissim Slomiansky, who chairs the Knesset Finance Committee, told Kol Chai Radio on Monday evening 12 Iyar that his party objects to the new housing eligibility law. Slomiansky was referring to the latest decision to finalize the new housing eligibility requirements for young couples that discriminates against chareidim and Arabs.

Slomiansky confirmed that Housing Ministry officials looked around the country for apartments selling for 600,000 shekels, the price ceiling set into the eligibility requirements by Finance Minister Yair Lapid. He admitted they were unable to find apartments at that price anywhere. He stated the amount allocated is absurd and clearly the policy is a discriminatory one. Slomiansky state Bayit Yehudi opposes the new situation and will continue working against it.

Kol Chai:

So how long will the party remain in this anti-religious coalition? What about all the anti religious legislation. The only time we heard Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett threaten to leave the coalition was over the release of additional terrorists, not over religious issues. The Knesset’s entire summer session surrounds more anti-religious legislation.


You have to understand just how hear we are working here. For one thing, Bayit Yehudi has literally blocked 39 anti-religious bills. We will continue working to block legislation from Yesh Atid and Elazar Stern. Regarding Bennett’s threat to leave, there is a difference.

The matter of releasing additional terrorists was a red line and Bennett was compelled to act. The matter of the anti-religious bills and legislation are no less serious for us, but the coalition agreement gives Bayit Yehudi exclusive veto power in matter seeking to change the religious status quo, and that is just what we did. Hence, there is no need for Bennett to threaten to resign over religious issues for enjoy the veto power.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. To be fair the people that elected him care about releasing terrorists and would want Bennett To resign over it thay don’t care about this or many other laws so no reason to resign

  2. 1. The cost of housing relative to incomes in Israel is excessive. They should stop charging sales tax on home purchases.

    2. Switching the IDF to reliance on market incentives (such as benefits to veterans) rather than conscription, would tremendously help the hareidi community since by ending conscription those hareidim who want to work outside the yeshiva world could do so. A compromise that authorizes benefits for veterans in return for ending conscription would be in our interests.

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