Summer Tour with Rabbi Yissocher Frand: Austrian Alps, Salzburg, Vienna, Pressburg, Budapest

picture of Rabbi Frand



Nesivos / Jewish Legacy Tours announces registration is almost full for the upcoming tour –  Journey through Jewish Central Europe – August 7-14, 2014.  This summer treat yourself to the ultimate summer tour and vacation; enjoy the enchanting and inspiring beauty of the Austrian Alps, travel through Europes most famous sites, and discover the history and rich mesorah of many of Europes most fascinating Jewish communities.

Travel with Rabbi Yissocher Frand, Rosh Yeshiva – Ner Yisroel, together with Rabbi Menachem Nissel, renowned educator and author on this unique touring adventure.

Don’t miss out on this special opportunity to spend a week with Rabbi Frand and hear his brilliant and inspiring divrei Torah throughout the tour. Along the way Rabbi Nissel will captivate us as he weaves together fascinating stories, insights, and history of Jewish Central Europe.

Nesivos Jewish Legacy Tours has once again created a custom designed luxury tour and exclusive vacation package that offers the perfect mix of touring, inspiring Torah lectures, Jewish content, history, famous sites, luxury hotels, beautiful dining, and fresh gourmet meals prepared by our fantastic chef Yossi. Spend an unforgettable and relaxing Shabbos in the Austrian Alps!

Reserve your place today – limited space – this Summer Tour is almost sold-out!

Find out more about the Summer Tour 2014 to Jewish Central Europe – August 7-14, 2014. Contact Nesivos/Jewish Legacy Tour for more details: US: 917-724-2633 / In Israel: 972-54-654-1991 / In U.K. 44-203-734-1193 / email: [email protected] /

4 Responses

  1. Our forefathers who actually lived in “Jewish Central Europe” only ever wished to leave it and its misery behind.

    What revisionist worldview is trying to turn it into a Jewish paradise? And what is the motivation?

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