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1000s of Galil Arabs March in Nakba Parade

nakThousands of Galil area Arabs took part in a Nakba Day march near the Lavi Forest in northern Israel. The event was held on Independence Day 66 to decry the establishment of the State of Israel. The participants carried PA (Palestinian Authority) flags along with posters containing the names of villages that were removed in 1948.

According to a Yisrael Hayom report, 6,000 people participated in the event which included the distribution of “Acknowledgement of the Nakba” certificates. The latter was printed and paid for by the New Israel Fund. Signers of the certificate are asked to acknowledge the occurrence of the disaster, the expelling of Arabs from their lands and the creation of the State of Israel.

The official PA day to observe the Nakba is on May 15th.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. I hope that our ‘brothers’ who closed their stores,and burned the Israeli flag etc.,on YOM HATZMAUT joined their cousins on the NAKBA PARADE.

  2. Time to increase settling the Galilee & publicizing Aliyah to the area. The Galilee is beautiful yet it needs more action & activity for the typical yid.

  3. The charedim that burned the flags should have their own day of mourning and maybe should even fast on yon haatzmaut

  4. Verizon49: Putting hashgafah and l’havdil, politics, aside, it is a simple matter of historical fact that Arab/Muslim and Jew lived side-by-side in relative peace (mid/late 1800’s – 1920’s certainly) until the movement to create/declare a state gained momentum and became inevitable.

  5. Re comments 5 and 7: Has it occurred to you that the government of Israel might be uncomfortable with the idea of resettling people to the east?

    Re comment no. 4: Great idea, settling Galilee. Maybe the Palestinian Authority wants to resettle the Jews in the West Bank to Galilee. Commenters 5 and 7 may support that idea.

    So let’s stop the chit-chat: Should Israel’s population be 100% Jewish? And if not, should there be a cap on the portion of the Israeli population that is not Jewish? And what word would describe such policies? Goyimrein? Apartheid?

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