President Peres: Netanyahu Blocked My Agreement with the PA

peresIn an interview with Channel 2 News, President Shimon Peres revealed that he reached an agreement with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) two years ago but the deal was rejected by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. The president stated the border issues were worked out as was PA (Palestinian Authority) demands for the so-called right o return for Arabs who fled in 1948.

Peres stated the prime minister was confident Quartet envoy Tony Blair had a better plan despite the fact that his plan did not compel a return to pre-1967 borders. The president explained his plan addressed the size of territory and would have permitted land exchanges.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. the office of the president of the state of israel is entirely ceremonial and Mr Peres has absolutely no right or mandate to hold any negotiatios or make any decsisions regarding the state and its conflicts.

    for this man to go behind the backs of elected officials and then try to present them with a fait acompli is the height of arrogance and highly dangerous.

    to then turn around and blame ellected officials for not bowing to his pressure and acceoting his opinion as supreme is rediculous.

    here is a man who is so full of himself that he is a danger to the entire country.
    it’s long past time he was put out to pasture.

  2. Correct me if I am wrong; isn’t it illegal to have any un-authorized contact with the enemy? The president of Israel has no authority to negotiate with anyone on behlaf of the state. Far greater men have been punished for far lesser crimes.

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