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Photo Essay: Yom HaZikaron 2014 By The Kotel [Photo Credit: Kuvien Images]

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8 Responses

  1. So many soldiers in evidence in Jerusalem & Beit Shemesh yesterday – so young, so fresh-faced, so dedicated. It was wonderful, they were quick to give up their seats on the buses for my elderly mother. We were at the Kotel in the morning as preparations were underway, but davenning was going on as usual, with the usual tourists jostling for pictures. Yom Hazikaron is a time for us all to reflect on the supreme sacrifice of these brave men & women who died in service so we can daven at the Kotel, Kever Rachel, Marat Hamachpela etc. May their memories be a blessing, & may G-d protect all those in active service in the IDF.

  2. that this is the 19thstory in your news update says what your website is all about. Target CEO resigning etc are all important stories, but nothing , that’s right nothing in the world is more important than Yom Hazikaron. 23,000 plus soldiers gave their lives so that you can exist. You don’t believe that but that’s the beginning of the problem the Jewish world has. How sad.

    Moderators Note: Lots of things are sad. It’s also sad that you Nebuch have trouble using your eyes….. Or just like to stir the pot, or simply don’t care. But just to set the record for the sad folks like yourself, YWN published approx 15 stories on Yom hazikaron yesterday, including videos and photos from the Kosel.

    Now, what were you saying?

  3. Even sadder to see these photos of people devoid of anything Jewish standing at the holiest Jewish site dressed clearly against the way hashem wants them to be dressed, just imagine going to any other religious site dressed this way.

    These people Reform-Mizrachi-Zioni believe Yom Hazikoren and Atzmot are more sacred then Yom Kipur and any other Jewish day.

    You want to really honor the fallen 23,000 plus soldiers gave their lives? learn some Mishnayos and say some Tehlim and give some tzedakah.

  4. Perhaps the photos in question were taken down, but I’m trying to understand who is dressed in a way that is against the wishes of hashem? Is it the beret, the kippa seruga, khaki, the boots?

  5. Stocking – perhaps she follows the opinions that she need not wear ANY on that part of her leg.

    Tzitzis – perhaps they are tucked in,

    Not properly covered hair – perhaps she is a single woman.

    Perhaps not. Assume away.

  6. WHAT DO YOU mean the only girl in the picture is wearing a skirt everyone else in the photo Are men have hakarat hatov otherwise you should join the army

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