Yeshiva Talmid Attacked By Secular Youths In The Heart Of Bnei Brak

idff“N” Ovadia, a talmid yeshiva in Modi’in Illit, left his parent’s Bnei Brak home to head to yeshiva. He reported that as he was waiting for the bus he was attacked by secular youths. The attack occurred on Thursday, 2 Rosh Chodesh Iyar 5774 in the Ramat Aaron neighborhood of Bnei Brak.

He explains he was nearing Geha Junction on Jabotinsky Street to catch a ride towards the bus stop for a bus leaving the city. A car stopped and a secular male began cursing him and then beating him. “N” reports the man shouted “Do you want me to drive you to the induction center” at him.

N adds the man got out of his car and the abusive speech escalated rapidly and his anger became frighteningly apparent. “You eat and live for free” the man shouted at him.

N adds “I told him I am not bothering you and I have done nothing to you” but this did nothing to calm him.

At some point N shouted back and the attacker fired back with another volley of his hateful diatribe. N told Kikar Shabbos it is clear the delegitimization of the chareidi tzibur surrounding the IDF draft has led to the incident and more are likely to follow unfortunately.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. N shouted back what exactly to warrant the second volley. I think there are two sides to every story. Both sides are stirring things up unnecessarily.

  2. If you look carefully at the picture, the soldier has a black yarmulke on, do therefore this picture is inappropriate for the article’s title.

  3. Micah’s idol was fear of punishment – none of us should be bowing to fear of punishment without the understanding that it is from Hashem as a soul rectification. Bullying people toward our view means we wish to invoke within the other cooperation based on their fear of punishment, rather than fear in breaking relationship with Hashem Who metes out punishment. those who bully are sticks in Hashem’s Hand yet responsible for their conduct, and believing that their personal power will generate compliance is a belief in Micah’s idol, not in Hashem Who is merciful and kind. We are a nation of priests to reveal Hashem’s Glory and mercy, not to subjugate others through our belief in Micah’s idol of fear of punishment for the punishment’s sake. After all, no one should seek to be viewed in Shemayim as a destroyer.

  4. #1:
    N shouted back what exactly to warrant the FIRST volley?

    You’re 100% right. He must have deserved it. Just for being there.

    Seems like you share the same distorted view as the attacker.

  5. They don’t like it when it happens to them do they? Good job giving them a taste of their own medicine.

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