Moving Ani Maamin at Levaya of Soldier

4 Responses

  1. @lakewoodbt – that is not true at all. There are a disproportionate number of Dati Leumi dying since they tend to serve in combat units at a disproportionate rate – but that’s generally of their own volition, since they feel a responsibility to help protect Klal Yisrael.

    @pure narishkeit – wow – just wow. That’s all you have to say about people expressing Emuna at the time of their deepest pain, when they’ve just burried a loved one, fallen in the prime of life? That’s not even taking into account the numerous Shitos that hold that when there’s a group singing, it’s not possible to pick out a single voice – so it can’t be considered Kol Isha. That’s one of the explanations given for those who have a minhag that allows female family members to sing Zemiros with the family on Shabbos, even when there are male guests.

    I was going to call you a Chosid Shoteh – but then I realized that there was no reason to call you a Chosid.

    an Israeli Yid

  2. @anIsraeliGoy.

    I know traditional Judaism as given on Har Sinai is may not be to your liking, with a seemingly need to edit it, but these so called “shitos” you quote (interestingly without name hhmmm…) are nothing but pipe dream thoughts of some warped mindset that thinks that for the sake of the egel hazahav called the “state of israel”, it is not only allowed, but a must to twist every mitzvah and averah beyond recognition.

    A female who sings in front of any erva described male, is atid liten et hadin, and will go straight to the worst depths of gehinam as it says in the Gemara, no avoiding it- period.

    But that is only in regard to your “that’s not even taking into account” point (which it is because the first liberal point is only a product of this sick way of thinking).

    Regarding the first point though, yes that is what I say to people who have no rachmanut to their loved one, who was not only unfortunately killed for the sake of avodah zara, but also had to put up with arayot at their levaya.

    But, the difference between me and you is, you look at the downright issur mideorayta as the biggest mitzvah, and I look at it as it is, a very grave sin, but I do assume that the people are probably tinok shenishba, and do not know better Hashem Yirachem.

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