Jerusalem Memorial Day Preparations Include Chilul Shabbos

jState observance of Memorial Day was pushed off specifically to prevent chilul Shabbos. However, at Beit Yad L’Banim, Memorial Day supersedes Shabbos and chilul Shabbos continued to prepare for the day.

Journalist Yedidya Meir used Facebook to spread the word, that on Shabbos afternoon work was taking place to prepare for Memorial Day events that are scheduled to take place on Sunday afternoon, 4 Iyar 5774. Memorial Day begins officially on Sunday night at 20:00, with the sounding of the siren nationwide. Needless to say many frum bereaved families are pained and outraged over public chilul Shabbos in the name of honoring the dead. They question why the sanctity of the day was violated in the name of the loved ones, something they object to.

At Beit Yad L’Banim in Yerushalayim, kedushas Shabbos was pushed aside as management felt preparing for Memorial had to take place on Shabbos. Ironically, Memorial Day falls on motzei Shabbos and Sunday this year and observance was pushed off to Sunday night and Monday to avoid chilul Shabbos.

Meir describes he was witness as he was walking on Shabbos and saw vehicles arriving at Yad L’Banim, unloading their cargo as electricians and other professionals were busy setting up for the day.

Meir, who is frum, continues explaining that he said to the workers “Tomorrow we will begin observing Memorial Day. Many of the fallen are from religious families. Why don’t you take their feelings into consideration as well for the chilul Shabbos to prepare for Memorial Day is awful”.

He continues with their response as he describes workers schlepping ladders and equipment, busying themselves as if it was a regular work day. “What’s wrong with you? Shabbos is not your private day. In your home you may do as you wish but we are preparing for state ceremony”.

Meir adds “I am not among those who shout ‘Shabbes’ but this is way past any acceptable norm. it is most difficult to understand [the lack of consideration for one’s religious sensibilities]”.

When Meir spoke with the man in charge on the site he was told these are the orders he received from the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) due to security considerations. The foreman added “I am not the bad guy here. Do you think I want to work on Shabbos? Don’t you think I too wish to be home? I was not left with any choice in the matter”.

MK (Bayit Yehudi) Yoni Chetboun calls on heads of Yad L’Banim and Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat to publically apologize for the chilul Shabbos surrounding Memorial Day preparations.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. There is no way that this Chillul Shabbos should have taken place, period. Any work that had to be done before Sunday should have taken place on Thursday or Friday.

    The government specifically moved the day to avoid Chillul Shabbos. It is a Chutzpa and a Bizayon to the memory of the fallen for some Pakid to then turn around and order Chillul Shabbos anyway. Someone’s head should roll.

    an Israeli Yid

  2. Very interesting to even have this discussion. When Lag Bomer was beginning on a Motzai Shabbos &. Request was made to push it off till the next day due to chilil shabbos, bus, police & security plans the SILENCE was deafening and response NO!

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