PHOTOS: Boro Park: NYPD Investigating Hate Graffiti Found In Multiple Locations



Multiple vehicles, stores, and a school were defaced with hateful graffiti over Shabbos, YWN has learned. The NYPD is investigating the incidents, which were reported at multiple locations, including 37th Street & 14th Avenue, 37th Street and 15th Avenue, and 16th Avenue and 45th Street. There is also reports of graffiti on the Bobov Girls School on 14th Avenue and 50th Street.

The NYPD’s hate Crimes Unit is on the scene investigating.

Further details will be published when they are available.



(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

6 Responses

  1. I’m sure community leaders like sharpton, barron, eric adams, rangel and 100 blacks in law enforcement will show their solidarity and denounce these acts.

  2. we are sadly in galus & will always remain here with feelings of pain & exile, until we finally wake up & face reality together that we all need to do TESHUVA & return to Hashem. Cause the longer we sit in denial the more tzaros we are causing ourselves. It pains Hashem to hit his loving children/nation with constant horrific tragedies, but we can’t expect Hashem to stop if we will not do teshuva. Would YOU stop punishing your child if he just won’t start listening to you? how much each child needs is up to the kid, depending on how fast he can improve his problem…

    How soon can we wake up as a nation & do TESHUVA? the choice is ours.


  3. Yungerman–do u cut and paste that response to every unfortunate event that occurs? K’shot atzmacha first and stop worrying about everyone else.

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