Photos: President Obama Invites Healthcare Executive Joseph B. Stamm CEO of MedReview to White House Celebration of the Affordable Care Act

unnamedTo mark and celebrate the statistic of 8 million Americans that have signed up for private health coverage thanks to the Affordable Care Act, President Barack Obama invited key healthcare executives along with community leaders from across the United States to The White House on May 1, 2014.

Executives from the healthcare community who played a key role in the development of this landmark legislation as well as communal leaders from across the spectrum were invited to meet with key White House officials in an effort to both garner input and enhance and engage the community on how the Affordable Care Act can help uninsured Americans sign up for health care coverage.

unnamed (2)Among the top leaders of the health care industry that were in the White House yesterday included Joseph B. Stamm CEO of MedReview. MedReview is an independent review organization and it iscelebrating its 40th year anniversary of service, improving the world of healthcare through medical reviews, quality audits, and health services management this year.

Mr. Stamm had the opportunity to converse with the President on issues related to the delivery of health care form his perspective as a CEO with many decades of experience and shared several points that piqued the President’s interest.

Ezra Friedlander, CEO of The Friedlander Group a leading Public Relations company was also among the invitees. Mr. Friedlander worked together with Matt Nosanchuk, advisor to the President on Jewish affairs and assisted the White House on outreach to the orthodox Jewish community pertaining to the Affordable Care Act.

One of the key factors of the Affordable Care Act that appeal to the Orthodox Jewish community is if your plan covers children, you can now add or keep your children on your health insurance policy until they turn 26 years old.

Before the health care law, insurance companies could remove enrolled children usually at age 19, sometimes older for full-time students. Now, most health plans that cover children must make coverage available to children up to age 26 even if they’re married. Having the ability to put your child on your health plan has alleviated a major concern that many orthodox Jewish families faced immediately after their marriage.
Mr. Friedlander along with Mr. Stamm utilized the opportunity to engage top White House officials including Chief of Staff Denis McDonough and Senior Advisor Valarie Jarrett regarding pertinent issues of the day.

(Jasmine Calderon – YWN)

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Ezra Friedlander CEO The Friedlander Group, Valerie Jarrett White House Senior Advisor, Joseph B. Stamm CEO Medreview 


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Joseph B. Stamm CEO MedReview with White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough  

3 Responses

  1. Wow this idea of kids should can stay with there insurance till 26 will work wonderful with the jewish community.

    I heard that another big help what’s needed in jewish community, that most insurance will now have to cover fully paid, breastfeeding pumps for nursing & pregnant woman’s once in 5 year’s.

    That’s really wonderful idea’s.

  2. So the guy who was selling us on christine quinn for mayor is now selling us on the benefits of obamacare? There comes a point in time when your credibility hits an expiration date and ezra–yours expired last year.

  3. Some other “wonderful” benefits for the frum community: funding for abortions,government mandated end of life desicions,skyrocketing premiums,loss of doctors.The “frum”people pictured here and involved in the perpetuation of this evil ought to be ashamed.

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