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Israel: Is Another Egged Lag B’Omer Fiasco Likely?

egednnEgged has come under fire year-after-year regarding transportation failures of hundreds of thousands of mispallalim seeking to get to Kever Rashbi on Lag B’Omer.

As Ichud Hatzalah and Zaka are preparing for Lag B’Omer in Meron, one wonders what preparations are underway at Egged. Clearly the annual event presents a formidable challenge each year as hundreds of thousands of mispallalim visit Meron in an extremely short period of time.

This year however, the problem is exacerbated by a decision made by Education Minister Rabbi Shai Piron, who announced schools will open on Lag B’Omer. This also poses a major issue for Chabad shluchim who usually gather in cities around the country for Lag B’Omer parades, but now public school students will have classes.

Regarding Egged, the fact that schools will operate will compel about 200 drivers to remain on school transportation routes, which will result in a shortage of both buses and drivers on Lag B’Omer. Egged officials explain the bus company’s hands are tied since the buses and drivers must be available for school transportation routes that run every school dear during the school year.

MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Rav Menachem Moses, who is busy year round regarding Lag B’Omer in Meron, has already visited the northern city accompanied by police commanders and Tourism Minister Dr. Uzi Landau and his staff. Representatives of the Ministry of Religious Services also took part in the visit with Moses. The visit took place on Thursday morning, 2 Rosh Chodesh Iyar 5774.

Moses and others are well-aware that since Lag B’Omer falls on motzei Shabbos, the bulk of the requests for buses will begin hours after Shabbos Egged will not have a sufficient number of buses available since drivers must sleep and buses must remain in cities to handle school routes.

Moses said that regarding Meron, the area appears better prepared than past years but none of this is going to solve the anticipated shortage of buses. He added on Thursday afternoon that other companies will be committed to school transportation in addition to Egged, admitted he is most concerned over the matter resulting from the decision not to cancel school on Lag B’Omer. He admits at present he does not see a solution, adding he is turning to the Prime Minister’s Office to assist in finding a workable solution.

Moses concludes with a clarification. He told Kol Berama Radio that “last year we were missing 200 buses. This year private vehicles will be banned entirely, unlike last year. That means this year we are facing a bus shortage that will surpass last year’s”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. There’s a simple solution: don’t go!
    Reb Shimon will be much more satisfied if you stayed home and learned Torah l’iluy nishmoso, instead of partying by his kever.

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