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Israel: Hamas Terror Cell in Custody

hamThe ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) and the IDF apprehended a Kalkilye based terror cell that included on Israeli Arab citizen and six PA (Palestinian Authority) residents. The cell is aligned with Hamas.

The terrorists in custody used fertilizer and other chemicals to make ammunition and explosives to use in attacks against Israelis.

In custody are:

· Haled Jamal Mahmoud Daud, 2, the Israeli citizen

· Ibid Alhak Yousef Shareem Hadraj, 23

· Ibid Alrahman Mazen Yousef Shareem Hadraj, 23, (He is the brother of Ibid Alhak)

· Namar Muhmad Namar Atta, 24

· Haled Bahri Ibrahim Abu Amra, 37

· Uvi Ibid Alrahman Hasham Tzalah, 24

· Tzalah Mustafa Assad Daud, 30, a well-known Hamas terrorist in Kalkilye

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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