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Israel Railways Ends Discrimination Against Talmidei Yeshivos

istr.bmpGood news for talmidei yeshivos in southern Israel traveling on Israel Railways.

As a result of the actions of MK (Bayit Yehudi) Zevulun Kalfa and MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Rav Moshe Gafne, the discriminatory policy that existed was eliminated, to the benefit of bnei yeshivos. The official announcement was made by the director-general of the Ministry of Transportation.

YWN-ISRAEL reported that the railway gave discounts for residents of southern areas and students of Sapir College. The MKs questioned why bnei yeshivos in Sderot, Netivot and other southern areas do not enjoy the same discount given to Sapir College students. The railway explained the yeshivos are not recognized as institutes of higher education as is the case with Sapir College.

As a result of their tenacious efforts, the Ministry of Transportation and Israel Railways have agreed to give the discount to area bnei yeshivos too.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. If bnei yeshivos being treated the same as college students is so important that it merits such ‘tenacious efforts’, I can only hope that this applies also to army service and not just transportation discounts. To demand to be treated equally only on your own terms, when it suits you is not befitting of anyone bearing the name of Torah, surely?

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