Hesder Talmidim to Visit Kevarim of Fallen Chareidi Soldiers on Memorial Day

hesder3.jpgHesder talmidim of the Meir Harel Yeshiva in Modi’in have announced that on this coming Memorial Day, they will davka visit the kevarim of fallen chareidi soldiers. Memorial Day will be observed on Monday, 5 Iyar and the talmidim plan to visit dozens of kevarim to be mispallel on the national day of mourning.

They explain that the chareidim do not generally bury their fallen in a military cemetery as other sectors of society do, and therefore Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Eliezer Shenvald, rabbonim and talmidim have decided to visit many of these kevarim on Memorial Day to daven and recite Kaddish.

According to an Arutz Sheva report, the talmidim will visit kevarim in Yerushalayim and Bnei Brak as well as checking IDF archives.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. How many “chareidi” soldiers fell in the army? Doubt more than even 1 or 2 – if that, unless you consider Yakov Yisrael Dehan a chareidi, but he was killed by the Zionists, not in the army? So which “chareidi” soldier fell in the army, does anyone know? Are they like those “chareidim” in the photo?

  2. #1 We Jews have the National Day of Mourning on Tisha b’Av where we fast and pray to commemorate the many tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people, including those who were killed al kiddush Hashem in the Holocaust. What kind of “mitzvah” is it to visit graves on a secular memorial date? If they’re out to do a “mitzvah”, they should say Kaddish for those who don’t have anyone saying it for them, like fallen secular soldiers. That would be a mitzvah.

  3. Arye – there r Charedi soldiers in the army and there r ones who fell

    I guess either u dont live in Erets Yirael or u live in a non-charedi place in EY

    Either way – u must be getting all your info form the media

  4. those that died while defending other Jews – died al kiddush hashem – whether they were frum or not, whether they kept shabbos or not. since visiting a kever next Monday is not ossur – there is absolutely nothing wrong with giving kavod to someone who gave their life al kiddush hashem.

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