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Did Deri Compel Attendance to Bein Hazmanim Shiurim?

deri500 young talmidim from Ashdod spent their bein hazmanim as part of the “Bein Hazmanim” project which promises to pay them for every hour of limud Torah during their vacation. The last day of the yeshiva took place on Sunday, 27 Nissan 5774. Among the rabbonim who was present was the head of the Shas Moetzas Gedolei Hatorah HaGaon HaRav Shalom Cohen Shlita and party leader Aryeh Deri.

According to Walla News, some of the talmidim reported that they were threatened to come to the last day, warned that those who do not appear for the shiurim by Rav Cohen and Deri will be penalized the entire sum of the bein hazmanim learning. The bein hazmanim project was funded by the Authority to Combat Addiction & Violence as part of its annual activities targeting different sectors of society. The talmidim learned three hours daily and earned points for attendance. They were promised between 8-10 shekels per hour of Torah study. At the end of the week they were informed “Whoever does not come on Sunday to the shiur by Rav Cohen and Aryeh Deri will not get any money” Walla quotes boys saying.

Walla quotes ‘Y’ saying “The money for a month of Torah study you are pinning to the arrival of a politician? We sat and learned for an entire month at our own free will. Suddenly we set conditions? It smells particularly bad”.

Another student, who we are calling Chaggai, added the threat was made after it became clear many of the talmidim did not plan to attend on Sunday.

Program Director Simona Morley stated there was no such threat made and if it was made, it will not be actualized.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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