Free Access to 800 Rabbi Avigdor Miller Shiurim in Honor of his 13th Yahrzeit

downloadIn honor of Rabbi Miller’s Yahrzeit, the Rabbi Avigdor Miller Legacy Library is opening its streaming audio archive to the public the week of 27 Nissan. The archive includes approximately 800 shiurim which are normally available only to paid members. The shiurim will be available free from Sunday April 27 through Friday, May 2. Titles include nearly 500 Thursday night lectures, plus the entire Mussar, Pirkei Avos, and Perek Chelek series.

The Library’s membership program—a reflection of its commitment to making Rabbi Miller’s teachings available as widely as possible—offers access to hundreds of lectures for a low monthly access fee. A free “Career of Listening” membership option allows access to a small set of lectures that changes each month. Members also receive a discount on purchases from Simchas Hachaim Publishing, the official publisher of Rabbi Miller’s books and lectures.

The week of Rabbi Miller’s Yahrzeit, the entire streaming audio Archive will be available to all members, including free members. Visit to start your free membership.

The new Rabbi Avigdor Miller Legacy Library disseminates the teachings of Rabbi Avigdor Miller through its Simchas Hachaim Publishing division and other innovative programs that spread Rabbi Miller’s uplifting approach to Torah, life, and serving Hashem to an ever-widening audience.

The Library was formed in 2011 by Yeshiva Gedolah Bais Yisroel, which was co-founded in 1983 by Rabbi Avigdor Miller zatzal and ybcl his son, Rabbi Shmuel Miller shlita, the Rosh Yeshiva. For more information, or contact the Library at [email protected] or 718-258-7400 x 103.




4 Responses

  1. I looked at the website – it is loaded with fantastic Rav Miller lectures that will sure enrich your life.

    HOWEVER!!! It seems to me that all of the shiurim are ONLY for streaming live. The user agreement very clearly forbids saving or downloading any members-only material from the site. (There might be some free shiurim too, but that is not the scope of this special sale.) I don’t walk around all day with a computer or any other web-connected device. I listen to all of my shiurim on my MP3 player. I only access to the internet for some time each day, when I check my email and download shiurim when needed. So in the language of the Gemara – the favor has been thrown upon the thornbush.

  2. Yes, I was on the site. You can only listen while streaming. I am really shocked that they are capitalizing on R. Miller’s shiurim and not letting you download it for later listening.

    Rabbi Miller never charged money to attend his shiurim. His tapes were available for use, free, from many g’machim.

    While this website is certainly not a chillul haShem, still it certainly smacks me of lack of taste and not in the spirit of R. Miller.

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