Boro Park: Woman Who Took 2 Children On Shabbos From Backyard Says Charges Are ‘A Big Misunderstanding’

bsspThe following is a WPIX report:

A woman accused of trying to take two young children from a Boro Park home is saying the charges are a big misunderstanding. The Borough Park woman accused of entering a backyard and taking two four-year-old cousins was released on bond Sunday night.

The cousins, a boy and a girl who were visiting family from out of the country, were found safe Saturday afternoon by Borough Park Shomrim.

A friend of the woman who was at her arraignment Sunday night said the woman was not trying to harm the children but was simply trying to take them to the park. He said she is from Israel and did not realize doing so would be perceived as a threat.

(Source: WPIX)

9 Responses

  1. Mark “Hang Her!” Levine: If I was these children’s father I would have immediately insisted the issue be closed without any ado.

  2. This issue is so clear-cut, even “Mark Levin” gets it right.

    Does anyone believe that it is customary in Israel for strangers to take children from a backyard to a park?

  3. Mark Levin,
    since this was certainly not a kidnapping, and since you weren’t at the scene while happening, you have no evidence what really happen, and
    It gets non of your business to get involved in this private matter. Let the parents decide on what steps to take further.

  4. Re Comment no. 7: This issue is so clear-cut, I will even come to the defense of “Mark Levin.” The only evidence any of us commenters have about this situation is the YWN postings. The woman who “took” the children has been arraigned, i.e., accused of a crime. A purported friend of hers has said that she took the children only for the purpose of escorting them to a park. I ask commenter no. 7: do you believe for a minute that it is the custom in Israel for strangers to take children from backyards to parks? Perhaps “Mark Levin” was being charitable when he called the woman a “looney toon.” Perhaps she is actually a kidnapper – fortunately, an unsuccessful one.

  5. she knows very very well that you don’t take any ones kids with out asking to a park, it was no mistake B”H they found the kids.

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