Lakewood Children Jump Off their Bikes after Spotting Black Bear

black bear1.jpgThe black bear spotted in Lakewood on Shabbos, was spotted once again in Lakewood on Sunday afternoon – this time by children riding their bikes, TLS is reporting.

The children were reportedly riding their bikes in the area of Iris Road, when they spotted the bear. The frightened boys reportedly jumped off their bikes and ran. Officials say the bears are usually wary of humans and will not attack unless teased or provoked.

(Source: TLS)

6 Responses

  1. Why is it headlines that the kids jumped off their bikes?
    Now if the bear drove the bike away, THAT would be news!!

  2. wow! They jumped off thier bikes? they must be real traumatized. very scarey!! I mean, just reading about this – makes me want to jump up & down

  3. @dovid2
    Did you even read the article……?

    “The black bear spotted in Lakewood on Shabbos, was spotted once again in Lakewood on Sunday afternoon – this time by children riding their bikes, TLS is reporting.”

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