Pro-Russia Crowd Storms TV Center In East Ukraine


A crowd of pro-Russia activists has stormed the television broadcasting center in Donetsk, the regional capital of eastern Ukraine.

They are demanding the suspension of broadcasts of Ukrainian-language channels and the restoration of Russian state channels.

The interim government in Kiev, the capital, last month blocked the broadcasts of the Russian channels, which serve as propaganda tools for the Kremlin.

The crowd of several hundred that stormed the broadcasting center on Sunday included several dozen men wearing camouflage fatigues and face masks.

Such pro-Russia forces have seized government buildings in at least 10 cities in eastern Ukraine.


One Response

  1. Suppressing TV, radio and the press is the way of dictators. Russian media take their government’s line or risk big trouble. Such is the power of Russian propaganda that many actually believe that Western Ukraine is ruled by fascists. Maybe the Russian government should look in a mirror if they want to find real fascists. Until the Nazis yemach shemom, propaganda was not a dirty word. Moscow’s copying Nazi propaganda tactics – and a good deal more besides.

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