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PA: Unity Government With Hamas Will Recognize Israel

abasIn an address to the PLO Central Committee in Ramallah, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) explained that the new unity government including Hamas and his Fatah organization will recognize Israel and comply with all previously signed agreements. He reemphasized that the agreement calls for setting up a unity cabinet of technocrats, a professional government that excludes Hamas and Fatah politicians.

He added that this professional government would not handle continued negotiations with Israel for this is Fatah’s responsibility. He added that while he favors continuing talks with Israel following the April 29 deadline, Israel will have to release 26 additional terrorists and halt all construction in settlements.

The PA leader blames the breakdown in talks on Israel and Israel alone, citing Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu continues construction in settlements and violates agreements and international law.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. This character must be smoking some real bad stuff.
    Is this lie number 423 or 44,423?
    Both Fatah and Hamas have repeatedly said separately that they would never, ever recognize Israel under any circumstance. Now as one they say that they would, BUT. Why must there always be a “BUT”?
    So Israel lets more terrorists go free and puts a freeze on building. The arabs play their game, sit down, waste Israel’s time with “say nothings”, plays their game for another couple of years and gets America to back off their threat do stop support payments.
    Then the threats to pull out of the peace talks by the arabs start all over again because Israel gets tired of the nonsense that Abbas has created and starts building again.
    During all this time the bombings don’t stop. The radical terrorist blame their offshoots who cannot be controlled. HA!
    These same arabs wind Obummer and his do dirty man, Kerry, up to push the peace talks again. All this time Kerry is flying back and forth to wherever wasting American money on jet fuel. Guess what guys, you will only see the same results as before, NONE.
    Israel needs to stand firm. Recognize Israel now as a sovereign nation first. The arab world needs to stop the bombing and killing, stop the rock throwing, stop the threats, show Israel that peace can be real. Then, and only then will Israel sit down and help work out a lasting peace between the peoples.

  2. 1. Why do we care if they recognize israel as a state? any of you really think there will ever be peace? It is not possible they want to kill us and we want to kill them…if we knew 100% they were amalek even our rosh yeshivas wouldpick up machine guns and they woukd call us radicals…we are absoloutly no different and at the end of the day there is no chance at peace..its absoloutly ludacris to even think that…the only thing this stuff does is delay a bomb or two maybe for a few months but thats it…one day we will be at each others throats cu we all know deep down thats how it ends…mashiach=war….so if theres peace then no mashiach…do the math!

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