Iran to Target Decoy US Aircraft Carrier in Drills

accAn Iranian newspaper is reporting that the country’s military plans to target a mock-up American aircraft carrier during upcoming war games.

The Sunday report by independent Haft-e Sobh daily quotes Adm. Ali Fadavi, navy chief of the powerful Revolutionary Guards as saying Iranian forces should “target the carrier in the trainings, after it is completed.”

Adm. Fadavi said: “We should learn about weaknesses and strengths of our enemy.”

This is the first reaction by Iranian officials to a March report that said Iran is building a simple replica of the USS Nimitz in a shipyard in the southern port of Bandar Abbas. Iranian officials did not comment then but state TV said it would be used in a movie.


3 Responses

  1. i dont understand, if they can fully simulate all the weapons of an american aircraft carrier, why not just build their own for use in war?

  2. Re comment no. 1: You were doing fine with your first three words.

    As for the quote from Iranian Admiral Fadavi, I got that same message in a fortune cookie at a Chinese restaurant.

  3. It’s a mock-up. They are probably seeing if they can actually hit a defenceless floating wooden stucture the size of an aircraft carrier. They are going to need lots of wood…

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