Councilman Greenfield to Give Out 100 Free Trees Today

gfnCouncilman David G. Greenfield, in partnership with the New York Restoration Project and MillionTreesNYC, will give away 100 free trees today, Sunday, April 27th starting at noon at the Boro Park Y located 4912 14th Avenue in Boro Park. This will be Councilman Greenfield’s third tree giveaway since taking office, an annual event hosted to ensure that our community’s homes are beautiful and to improve to improve our environment.

Back in October 2007, Mayor Bloomberg launched the initiative MillionTreesNYC which aims to plant one million trees throughout the five boroughs. To date, 430,000 trees have been planted, bringing numerous health and environmental benefits to our City such as cleaner oxygen and the cooling of city streets. Councilman Greenfield invites residents to play a part in this initiative by adopting a tree to plant on their private property. In order to qualify for a free tree, you must simply pledge to plant it within New York City limits. If you are unfamiliar with gardening or horticulture, you should not be discouraged from adopting a tree, as experts from the New York Restoration Project will be available to provide instruction on how to plant and care for your tree.

The following four species will be available for adoption: Black Cherry, American Hornbeam, Eastern Redbud, and Flowering Dogwood. Trees are available on a first-come, first-served basis and last year the trees were given out in just a few minutes so those who are interested are encouraged to come early.

Since taking office, Councilman Greenfield has made community beautification a top priority. In addition to his previous two tree giveaway, Greenfield has partnered with Assemblyman Bill Colton for several community cleanup days in Bensonhurst, has worked with city agencies to combat illegal dumping along commercial strips like Avenue J, and has allocated over $40,000 in discretionary funding to the Midwood Development Corporation, a non-profit organization that works to clean heavily trafficked streets in Midwood and Boro Park.

Sunday’s giveaway will be held at the Boro Park Y Senior Center, 4912 14th Avenue and is open to all New York City residents. Please HERE for more information about the four species of trees that will be available.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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