Murderer of Esther Lebowitz, H’yd Denied New Trial

Untitled3YWN  just received word from Assistant State’s Attorney Antonio Gioia that Judge Edward R.K. Hargadon made his ruling this morning denying Stephen Wayne Young a new trial.

Stephen Wayne Young is the confirmed killer of 11 year old, Esther Lebowitz, H’yd who was brutally murdered just miles away from her house in Baltimore. The Baltimore Jewish community gathered together to protest  Young’s upcoming parole hearing and surely had a big effect on this decision.

The NWCP  thanks the community for their outpouring of support in protest of Young receiving a new trial. It is clear from the Judge’s words at the end of the hearing that the community presence made a difference.
(YWN – Studio B)

5 Responses

  1. You should double check your facts. If he is not going to have a new trial, that means either that: 1) the State’s Attorney decided that the change in Maryland’s criminal procedures didn’t affect him, which will be appealed; 2) that the State’s Attorney has decided not to challenge the application of a recent decision and by not planning a new trial will result in his release. He was not up for parole, he was up for release since his conviction was being vacated due to an error in jury instructions (applied to most people convicted that long ago and still imprisoned) – the new trial was to prevent his release.

  2. The following from the balt. sun 03/21/14.
    Young wants his case reconsidered under a 2012 ruling by Maryland’s highest court, which said many convictions before 1980 were invalid because jurors were given unconstitutional instructions.

    Howard L. Cardin, the former prosecutor who tried the case against Young, said in an interview that he deserves a new trial. Now a defense attorney, Cardin has a client seeking a new trial on similar grounds.

    “If an error was made, and he did not get a fair trial as would be dictated, then he is entitled to a new trial,” Cardin said. “That doesn’t mean he’ll get acquitted.”

    Baltimore Circuit Judge Edward R. K. Hargadon did not rule on Young’s request Thursday, and said he would issue a written opinion at a later date.

  3. to #2 – The reason the usual rule might not apply is that he had pleaded insanity, so the issue might arise that the wrong instruction was irrelevant in such cases. If that is not the case, it means “no new trial” results in his release.

  4. Akuperma can you translate comment #3? I understand each word, but i have read it 3 times and have no idea what it says

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