500,000 Riders Used the Jerusalem Light Rail During Pesach

jlrnIf you were among the many riders relying on the Jerusalem light rail during Pesach you can understand that a half million commuters did the same as the trains were quite full during chol hamoed. On Thursday, the day of the main birchas kohanim at the Kosel, the light rail reported serving 145,000 riders. During chol hamoed, the trains were operating at 6.5 minute intervals during most operating hours of the day. Because the train runs on a designated track, CityPass, the operator, reports it was the only means of transportation in the city that was not negatively impacted by the large influx of visitors.

CityPass officials praised the light rail operations during the yomtov week, giving the service a high rating. They add they are negotiating with government officials to purchase additional trains, which will permit increased operational capacity, as well as expansion of the current line to other areas of the city.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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