Councilman King Worked to Shut Down Arab Bread Carts in Old City

bSpeaking with Kol Berama Radio, Jerusalem Councilman Aryeh King confirmed that he sent municipal inspectors to enforce the law prohibiting public display of chametz during yomtov. King explained they he received emails as well as residents posting photos of violations on the city’s Facebook page. He explains this included the tens of wagons and stands manned by Arabs at the entrances to the Old City of Yerushalayim.

Kol Berama:

Why do the carts bother you? After all they belong to goyim, not Jews.


Visitors complained, explaining they were in shock seeing bread carts lining entrances to the Old City. These carts significantly detracted from the yomtov atmosphere and they were breaking the law.

Radio host Moti Lavi questioned why this is bothersome since it does not involved Jews but King was adamant that despite the fact it belongs to goyim it is not in line with maintaining a yomtov atmosphere in the Old City, despite the fact the wagons lined predominately Arab areas. He cited that these wagons were seen at the Jaffa Gate among other areas and 70,000 Jews passed that gate during yomtov. King added that the presence of the wagons permitted Jews to buy chametz and this too he finds objectionable.

Lavi asked “What did they do wrong. Those people are not makpid on kosher year-round”. King explained that the law prohibits it and he feels enforcement of the law sends a message to Arabs that not only do they have rights, but they have responsibilities too.

King added that the carts were situated in a public place that belongs to the city, not a private area or neighborhood and that is why he felt compelled to act.

Kol Berama:

What was the connection between these actions and your hashkafa, your disdain for Jerusalem Arabs?


First of all I have respect for all of HKBH’s creations. Arabs may live where they should, and this is not in the Jewish state. If they wish to live here they must understand this is a Jewish state and that is what Ben-Gurion wrote. It does not say this is a democratic state but it states a Jewish state.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. This is a shanda. There is absolutely no reason why non-Jews should not continue to enjoy and gain benefit from chametz over Pesach. In fact, if they can’t, it brings into question the validity of the sale of chametz to a non-Jew which would make every Jew in Eretz Yisrael a sinner! And it also brings into the question whether non-Jews can ever be treated properly in a Jewish state. This extremist must be stopped!!!

  2. Don’t present this as some sort of halachic argument. Jewish law raises no problems with goyim selling hametz on Pesach. This is just some fanatical nationalism from someone who is definitely not a fanatic when it comes to yiddishkeit.

    In all fairness, when the Arabs come to power it probably will be illegal to have bars and taverns, at least in areas where Arabs frequent.

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