Israeli Remains in Prison in India Due to Bullet

prisonSteve Silvenchev was heading to India for his post-IDF service hike but his dream vacation quickly became a nightmare. Security at Ben-Gurion International Airport failed to detect a single bullet that was in his backpack from his IDF service days but security in India did. He was imprisoned for carrying the bullet and remains in prison for months, awaiting trial.

Speaking with Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Thursday, 17 Nissan 5774, Steve explained he does not understand the delay. Officials in Israeli diplomatic circles explain there is nothing they can do to assist Steve.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Honestly, honestly. This is one of the middot that Israelis are known for – sloppiness.How do you pack like that?
    India, jews shouldnt go there, the most idolatrous place on earth.
    For the Indians though, you can establish the guy had no ill intent, was not trying to smuggle one bullet into your country in some shady arms deal, or with intent to commit some crazy act of terror with one bullet. So let him go.
    Unfortunately, they suffer the same illness as the likes of US of A, and Canada, and medinat Yisrael, and that is, british law, a legacy of idiocy.

  2. Stevie Wonder: it is very simple. You broke the law in India and they are subjecting you to their criminal infraction procedures. Those are not the same as in Israel where carrying around loaded weapons, let alone single bullets, is quite common..

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