The Levaya of Reb Dov Walowitz a”h

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman

The Levaya is being held at noon today, at Sh’or Yoshiv – a Yeshiva that he helped build.

The first speaker was Rabbi Shaya Cohen, who noted that although we are prohibited to be maspid – he wished to note  what we had in our midst.  His entire life was involved in limud haTorah.  His life was his learning Sedarim.  He was a man of principle.  He stood up for what he believed what was right.  He acted.  He made sure the goals were accomplished.  He taught the community how to give Tzadaka.

The family asked that a number of people to recite Tehillim.  Rabbi Halpern was first and noted, “We don’t make hespedim, but Reb Shaya [Cohen] said it all.  Reb Dov was so part of the Yeshiva. From when he cme into this community until his my shver was niftar – he gave me chizuk.  All the bricks in the yeshiva is a testament to who he is.  I am sure my shver will be mekabel him b’simcha.  Ashrei Ish shelo halach b’aitzash reshaim..”

Rabbi Naftali Portnoy said, “Lie the Rabbonim said before, we do not make hespedim.  Reb Dov was like a big brother, like a father to our organization.  He was close to Aish HaTorah, its Rosh Yeshiva, Rav, Meir Schiller. He founded the Jewish Heritage Center.  They are all really a product of his vision and his deep feeling for his people at large. I speak and represent in Tehillim on behalf of the Jewish Heritage Center.

Mizmor ldovid bevarcho m’avshalom bno..

Rabbi Yehoshua Kalish said Lamnatzaich said Tehillim 4 Lamnatzayach..

Rav Elisha Horowitz recited the next tehillim.

Rabbi Freundlich recited Tehillim 12.

Rabbi Yaakov Trump remarked that he doesnt usually go off script that Hashem is so grand so powerful that he helps those who are in need, ki kel ram v’nisah lehachayos.  Lofty; Holy ascendant and at the same time looks out for those hwo need help.. HKB is teh father of orphans the caretaker of those living alone.. If you want to imitate HKB you need look no further than what Reb Dov did.. He looked after those in need..”

Rabbi Moshe Brown recited Tehilim 13.

Rabbi Eytan Feiner remarked, “when I think of Hillel’s maamar – in lashon labim – bemakon sh’ain anashim..”  One might say that when you need a lot of people to do something.  I think of Reb Dov zatzal – when something needed to get done – he was the one to get it done.  He then recited Tehillim 14.

Rabbi Yaakov Bender said that the whole world cares about Almanos but not about Gerushos.  Reb Dov put them on the map.  There are 200 women in mourning now.  He recited in Tehillim 15.

Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetsky said that it is very hard to say anything about him without violating the halacha.  I felt like a son to him.  He spoke to me in learning and whenever he did so he made shmatos out of me and he was so passionate.  He was larger than life. He recited Tehillim 16.

Rabbi Kriegsman from Yeshiva Ketana of Inwood recited Tehillim 20.

Rabbi Rodkin recited Tehillim 24.

Rabbi Yehoshua Kalish said Lamnatzaich said Tehillim 4 Lamnatzayach..

Rav Elisha Horowitz recited the next tehillim.

Rabbi Freundlich recited Tehillim 12.

Rabbi Yaakov Trump remarked that he doesnt usually go off script that Hashem is so grand so powerful that he helps those who are in need, ki kel ram v’nisah lehachayos.  Lofty; Holy ascendant and at the same time looks out for those who need help.. HKB is the father of orphans the caretaker of those living alone.. If you want to imitate HKB you need look no further than what Reb Dov did.. He looked after those in need..”

Rabbi Moshe Brown recited Tehilim 13.

Rabbi Eytan Feiner remarked, “when I think of Hillel’s maamar – in lashon labim – bemakon sh’ain anashim..”  One might say that when you need a lot of people to do something.  I think of Reb Dov zatzal – when something needed to get done – he was the one to get it done.  He then recited Tehillim 14.

Rabbi Yaakov Bender said that the whole world cares about Almanos but not about Gerushos.  Reb Dov put them on the map.  There are 200 women in mourning now.  He recited in Tehillim 15.

Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetsky said that it is very hard to say anything about him without violating the halacha.  I felt like a son to him.  He spoke to me in learning and whenever he did so he made shmatos out of me and he was so passionate.  He was larger than life. He recited Tehillim 16.

Rabbi Kriegsman from Yeshiva Ketana of Inwood recited Tehillim 20.

Rabbi Rodkin recited Tehillim 24.

On behalf of the grandchildren Yehudah Tzvi Abadi tearfully recited Tehillim 28.

Another grandson recited Tehillim 29.

His son-in-law, Yossi Friedman, recited Tehilim 42.

His son in law Larry Goldfarb recited Tehillim 47

His grandchildren then arose and recited in unison

Marilyn his wife, Larry and Faygie Goldfarb, Yossi and Chani Friedman, Devorah Bodenheim will be sitting shiva after Yom Tov.  The shiva will be at his home.

Rabbi Shaya Cohen ended with Bain hashuros we caught a small glipse.  BeMakom sh’ain anashim, well it is going to take a lot of people to fill the gap.. to help others who people did not even think of helping.  The neshama of Reb Elchonon Dov ben Boruch.  The kvurah will be in Elmont.  We should be zocheh to see the work that he has done continue. Yehei zichro boruch.

The author can be reached at [email protected]



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