Rand Paul Says Conservatives Need a Bold Message

Potential presidential contender Rand Paul says conservatives need a bold message to “hit those who haven’t been listening” and to keep their political movement growing.

The Republican senator from Kentucky tells an audience of conservatives in New Hampshire that the GOP cannot be “the party of fat cats, rich guys and Wall Street.”

Paul says conservatives must carry messages of justice, concern for unemployed workers and against government surveillance — if they want to attract new people to the movement, including young people, Hispanics and blacks.

Paul says the conservative movement has never been about rich people or privilege, and that “we are the middle class.”


One Response

  1. The message needs to be based on the original tea party platform of opposing taxes, government spending, and irresponsible borrowing (printing) money, including opposition to bailouts and corporate welfare. This goes well with Paul’s strong support of civil liberties.
    However it doesn’t go well with government policies focused on social issues such as regulating sexual behavior, which is a problem since many “conservatives” become unlibertarian big government advocates when it somes to bedroom matters that are best left unregulated by the state.

    The Republicans best chance is for the main street (country club) types to embrace tea party and libertarian issues, since Paul has a resume as bad, as, for example, Obama’s was in 2008.

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