MUST SEE VIDEO: My Actual Car Accident LIVE On My Timetec Roadhawk Dashcam


Just a few days ago, I installed a Timetec Roadhawk Dashcam in my car, and wrote about it here. My main reason for doing this was to protect and defend myself in court in case I get pulled over for a traffic stop. My dash cam is like a black box for my car, always on and always recording.

What I didn’t realize at the time was that, in case of an accident, having clear proof of what happened can be crucial! At this point, a video of what happened to me yesterday will be far better than any words I can offer explaining it, so just check it out here:


As you can plainly see, I was driving along at a normal pace minding my own business when out of nowhere, a van from the US Border patrol (my luck!) makes a left turn right in front of me, and then BAM!

It is without a doubt a miracle that no one, not myself nor the half dozen people in the van were seriously hurt, especially considering that I knocked the van over on its side!

A few minutes later, as I was on the phone with 911, the driver of the van, a big burly guy in plainclothes, came running over to me with his US Border patrol badge exposed, screaming “Didn’t you see the light? Did you not see the light?”

When the (real) cops came, the driver further accused me of going through a red light and causing the accident. All the passengers in the Border Patrol van repeated the same line: that I went through a red light.

I remained silent the whole time; I was dazed and confused after being knocked around, and I had just been pounded by a few airbags that went off in my car.

Quite frankly, I couldn’t understand what had happened because it all happened so fast! The video was embedded in a 32 GB SD card in my Dashcam, and I had no way of reviewing the video until I got home. Furthermore, until I reviewed the video to see what had happened, I did not necessarily want to tell anyone at the scene that I had a video of the accident.

After I got home, I uploaded the video, and lo and behold: The light was green! After reviewing the video a few times, I realized exactly what had happened. The US border van had white and blue lights flashing on top of the van, causing the 2 cars in the left and center lanes to stop and let the van make a left turn (which was an illegal left, as you can see in the video). I was in the right lane, so I did not see the flashing lights, because from the driver’s seat, the Border Patrol van was blocked by the other 2 cars. Furthermore, red flashing lights might have caught my attention, but faint white and blue lights in bright sunlight did not give me any indication of an emergency vehicle approaching. Not that the van had any excuse for ramming into me. I spoke to an accident attorney today, and he told me that, even in the event of an emergency, an emergency vehicle must take care and caution while driving, especially when they are doing something improper such as cutting into ongoing traffic. And anyway, what could have been the border patrol emergency? Were Canadians invading JFK?

Furthermore, I really resented the fact that on an NYC street, the US Border patrol made such a show of force and acted like they had any juridsdiction. It was very unsettling to be surrounded by a dozen people in badges badgering and harassing me that the accident was my fault, especially when I was completely dazed by what had happened.

My Dashcam actually has an extremely wide field of vision, and while watching the video, you, the viewer, are paying close attention. But at the time it happened to me, it was in a second or less, and I really did not and could not recall exactly what had happened. It was all a giant blur.

If not for my Dashcam, I would have been made to feel guilty for causing this accident, and my insurance would have found me at fault. With this video, it is clear as day (it was a clear day, no pun intended) that I was just driving along with the flow of traffic, and the van made an absolutely illegal turn!

I am very grateful to the One Above Us All that I walked away from this accident without so much as a scratch. Ever since my father died when I was a 16 years old, I always felt that his hand was on my shoulder protecting me in difficult times. Yesterday was no different.

I believe that it was extremely providential and fortunate that I had installed my Dashcam just a few days before my accident. This post is really not designed as a plug for the camera, but I would highly advise anyone reading this to purchase one of them here. As I wrote in my last post, it actually is discounted from $299 to $199 once you add it to your cart. It truly saved me in this story, as I would have had no proof without it, and would be one man going up against several government employee witnesses.

In the coming days it will be interesting to see how this all plays out, so stay tuned, and I hope to update you all in the days to come.


14 Responses

  1. I just installed a dashcam this week aslo you dont even have to spend 200 i spent $95 its very clear HD picture with built in gps, its called ojocam got it on ebay they have it for more just do best offer for $95 and its tiny no one can see it mounted in front of rear view mirror

  2. After viewing the video several times, it appears to me that the driver with the dashcam should have seen the illegal left turn by the white van and could and should have stopped in time to prevent a crash. Under current rules of comparative negligence, the white van would be mostly negligent, but if the dashcam car had a chance to stop after the van came into view, the dashcam driver would be somewhat negligent. Under contributory negligence rules (replaced more than 30 years ago by comparative negligence rules), neither driver could recover from the other.

  3. It seems to me that Mr. Dashcam was kind of speeding. Look at the cars he’s passing. I think they’re both at fault.

  4. I am the driver. I had LESS THAN 2 SECONDS IN THE VIDEO. In reality I had about 1/2 a second to acknowledge what was going on. There was no time to react. the flashing lights were invisible in the sun. I only knew there were flashing lights after I reviewed the video.

    I love how all the chachomim are doiresh v’choiker for every detail that happened in literally less then 2 seconds.

    Lets see how you all do in that situation.

  5. To me whats bothersome the most is that THE POLICE WERE UNABASHED LIARS!
    Anyone can have an accident, but dishonest police who cover up?!
    PS To nfgo3 and gefen you guys so missed the point.
    Now i wonder how skewed your othe comments are.

  6. Mr. Honig, boruch Hashem you’re ok. HOWEVER, Did you not notice two sets of cars COMPLETELY slowing down beside you? Was the geshmake music a distraction perhaps?
    Notwithstanding, this thug “border cop” should be sued for violating your civil rights at the very least. Hatzlocha Rabah! (if I’m mistaken, please be moichel)

  7. Baal Boose – Thanks a bunch! No, I didn’t miss the point. I get exactly what he is trying to say.
    I wasn’t condemning him. I just said I think there’s blame on both sides. I’m glad nobody was hurt.
    I don’t think my OTHE comments are skewed either. (if you’re gonna be nasty, at least make sure your posts are spelled correctly)
    And a good Shabbos to you too.

  8. I Love the way you with your semi circle gemara thumb you say ” Maybe, it should be mashma that avada if reuvain and shimon are slowing down, Maybe Yehuda should slow down also? No? Ubber es shtait in an Andera platz, that dina demalchusa dina, un a green light means go.

  9. To the driver #7:
    It is clear as day that you are innocent. As to the selfish and unrealistic comments by some commenters here; were living in an interesting world where one needs to prove to himself and the judge only that he is honest and right. What’s right and wrong, true or false is so misinterpeted in this generation that is why there has been such assimilation and coldness emerging with this new generation. These comments are a proof of that. A yid naturally has a netiya of judging one favorably or looking for the truth; especially when it’s right there. But unfortunately, so many have lost track of the beauty of being a yid; one brotherly nation. don’t be shocked if one or all of these pple commenting here even have college degrees; intelligent, successful….. but just have lost that spark. Don’t understand who they are. To be able to take a story that involves innocence and nissim together and be so blinded as to blame the driver is a clear result of something missing in the core of the person. in yiddish we call that “farkrumt”
    Thanks so much for your article.

  10. To tedoworld,
    I was not using a “gemara thumb”. I was just trying to find some lesson, perhaps, in preventing an accident such as this one. It is no kuntz to be “dead” right c”v in following “dina demalchusa”. I was always taught that you should drive as a “pack” and not a “lone wolf”. Perhaps

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