FOUND: Boro Park Woman Missing, Has Been Found In Manhattan [UPDATED 9:00PM]

bsspBoro Park Shomrim have confirmed to YWN that the missing woman has been found in good condition. They thank everyone for their tips, and Tefillos.

All sensitive info has been deleted from the original article.

Please share this article so all those who were helping and davening, can be properly informed.

(Shaya Perns – YWN)

6 Responses

  1. According to KolHaolam, Shomrim are also working on it. Reportedly, she was with family member in Manhattan, and “walked out”. They don’t suspect foul play

  2. The NYPD in BP can see everything including what you store in your nostrils, which mohalim are servicing, & everything in between.
    I guess now, we can really enjoy some freedom. They can watch every move you make. Thank some of our politicians who dont even live in BP Just wait & see what this USA is turning into.

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