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New Poll Shows de Blasio Approval At 49 Percent

debA new poll shows nearly half of respondents approved of the job New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is doing.

The New York Times/NY1/Siena College poll released Monday found that 49 percent of those polled liked how he was performing, while 31 percent disapproved.

Seventy-three percent of those polled approved of de Blasio’s advocacy for universal pre-kindergarten programs, while 20 percent disapproved.

But 52 percent of respondents disapproved of how de Blasio was addressing the need for affordable housing, while 35 percent approved.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo had 64 percent of those polled approving of his job performance, and 20 percent disapproving.

The poll surveyed 1,190 adults between March 29 and April 3 and has a margin of error of three percentage points.


3 Responses

  1. If 49% approve, it must be that FIFTY ONE PERCENT disapprove.

    Too bad you suckers in NYC are stuck with this commie for at least three years and nine months!

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