Deadline Looms to Order Shmorg 6 for Chol Hamoed

shmorg-imageThe Shmorg 6 from Oorah!  Order Today and you can still have it on time for Chol Hamoed!

The three-disc edition of the biggest and best Shmorg to date is now available from Oorah with your donation to their Auction – one for $40, or all three for $100. All three discs – Shmorg Tales, Shmorg Tunes, and Shmorg Tube – are amazing, fascinating, and you won’t want to miss a single one  of them. And the best deal of all is if you order now, you’ll have Shmorg 6 right on time to entertain your kids all Chol Hamoed long.

As always, this incredible collection is not available in any stores – Shmorg 6 is a donor exclusive! Donate to Oorah Auction to receive your copy – and order NOW to ensure you’ll have it delivered to your home in time for Chol Hamoed!

Aside from the hours of entertainment, you’ll be getting the satisfaction of knowing that your money is hard at work, sending kids to yeshiva, pairing up Torah Mates, running TheZone Jewish summer camp programs and supporting all the good work that Oorah does.

Don’t miss your chance to order Shmorg 6 – enter Oorah Auction now to get your own!

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