Rabbi Meyer Baal Haness/ Kolel Chibas Yerushalayim in Full Force Leading up to Pesach

chibasjerusalem.com  Reb Meyer Baal Haness Charity[COMMUNICATED CONTENT] 

As the Nasi of Kolel Chibas Yerushalayim in Europe, R’ Yankel’e of Pshevorsk zt”l, put it, it pays to have R’ Meir’l as your partner.

Hundreds of years have passed since R’ Meir Baal Hanes uttered the words of Elkah D’Meir Aneinu, and since then, every yid across the Jewish spectrum has taken along these words in times of pain and joy. Which other segulah has merited such divine assistance? Years have not diminished the potency of these words, and Gedolim and Tzaddikim of all generations have trusted R’ Meir’l’s words more than any other segulah. Yiddishe mammes from all walks of life partner with R’ Meir’l and his trusty pushka every Erev Shabbos at candle lighting, thus continuing the mesorah of yiddishe mammes of yesteryear.

Much has happened in the past two centuries. The world has changed unrecognizably, but Kolel Chibas Yerushalayim Reb Meir Baal Hanes, founded in 1830, endures, and the goal hasn’t changed. They are still here to provide the impoverished yidden living in the Holy Land with everything they need to continue living their lives steeped in Torah.

The Kolel operates on an annual budget of over seven million dollars. The Kolel is divided into many funds encompassing all areas of daily living. The goal is to help as many Yidden as possible, one family at a time.

The Chalukah

Four and a half million dollars are distributed annually to struggling families. The stipend is given quarterly, and serves as oxygen to the many floundering families. The amount distributed to each family is carefully decided based on the income level and family size. Now, before Pesach, families receive an even larger amount to help them with the additional Yom Tov costs. Over $2 million dollars is distributed.

They also ensure that the happiness of making a wedding is not tarnished by the crushing burden of debt. The Wedding Fund subsidizes the Kolel members’ wedding costs.

Subsidized Clothing and Dry Goods

The first floor of the Kolel building houses a well stocked dry-goods store and clothing shop at greatly reduced prices. The smiles on the faces of the many happy shoppers define true simchas Yom Tov. Nothing makes a father happier than knowing that he can provide the best for his children.

Subsidized Dental Clinics

Dental health is a necessity. But when putting bread on the table is a struggle, dental health becomes a luxury. The Kolel, therefore, fills this need by subsidizing the cost of three fully-equipped dental clinics in Yerushalayim, Ashdod, and Bnei Brak.


Widows and Orphans Fund

Kolel Chibas Yerushalayim can, unfortunately, fill an ocean with the tears they have wiped from the many struggling almanos and yesomim that knocked on their door. The monthly checks distributed to hundreds of almanos are a literal lifeline to families left without a breadwinner. No, money can never bring their husband and father back, but it definitely makes life more bearable. Just knowing that someone cares enough straightens their burdened shoulders.

Eizer La’Yoldos — Sponsor a Neshama’le

The birth of a child is a time of happiness and renewal. And vulnerability. It is imperative for every new mother to feel secure and peaceful with the new addition to the family. However, how can a yiddishe mamme enjoy her child when she can’t afford a meal for her family? How can she feel secure if her home lacks heating, and it’ll be so cold for her new baby?

Eizer Le’Yoldos, distributed close to half million dollars in the past year to aid families after the birth of a child.

Dollars that Do!

When you put a dollar into the pushka, your dollar does great things. Your full pushka plus another one, plus another one, cover the LARGEST part of our budget! They collect millions of dollars from the thousands of Yiddishe homes that trust the R’ Meir Baal Haness pushka. If you don’t yet have a pushka, follow the advice from R’ Yankele, and become R’ Meir’l’s partner. It’s a worthy partnership. One that all tzaddikim, from all generations, trusted.

Take him along at the special moments in your life. You need him! Are you marrying of a child or were you zoche to bring another child into the world? Are you starting a business venture, a new job or starting a new z’man? Are you going through a difficult time with a child or parnasah?

When you donate money to Reb Meir Baal Haness, you are contributing to every worthy cause! You can send in your contribution for any of the above funds, and they will daven for you and your loved ones at the kever of R’ Meir Baal Haness.


Click here to Donate today and receive a free gift in time for Pesach.


Chag Kosher Ve’Sameach,

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