New Video Release From Oorah – Pesach Blues


Tick, Tock! Tick, Tock! It’s mere DAYS until Pesach! Clean clean clean – those crumbs have got to GO! Non-stop cleaning, kashering, shopping, cooking, baking, and preparing… with only about a week left, we can all definitely use a QUICK BREAK!

Luckily, Oorah has just released to the public the hit music video production of Abie Rotenberg’s classic “Pesach Blues”, sure to bring a sympathetic smile to anyone who has ever attempted to make Pesach at home. Enjoy the comedy and music while you take a break from your rigorous chores and preparations. The song takes a Frum woman’s perspective in trying to balance the intricacies of running a house while trying to banish Chometz, shop, and cook for the weeklong Yom Tov. You don’t want to miss Oorah’s original hilarious production “Pesach Blues”.

But wait – need more break time? Need to keep the children busy with the best in Jewish entertainment? There’s MORE! You can enjoy much more with the Shmorg Tube DVD, one of three discs in this year’s Shmorg6. The DVD packs well over four hours of a whopping array of entertainment suitable for kids (and kids at heart!), from inspiring comments by noted author Rabbi Paysach Krohn on the importance of Bikur Cholim, to the Living Torah’s fascinating in-depth look at birds in the Torah, to the entertaining “When Zaidy was Young – Tale 2″ video by Rabbi Shmuel Kunda a”h, there’s something for everyone to enjoy on Shmorg Tube.

Long car rides with the kids? Tired of hearing “are we there yet”? Then Shmorg Tunes is the way to go! Enjoy all new music performed by over a dozen contemporary Jewish artists, an album that will provide an hour’s worth of guaranteed audio bliss. Also, your children will enjoy listening to this year’s Shmorg Tales, as Fiveish and his friends venture out on a new and exciting adventure that you will not want to miss!

As always, this incredible collection is not available in any stores – Shmorg 6 is a donor exclusive! It’s our gift to you when you donate to Oorah Auction to receive your copy – and order NOW to ensure you’ll have it delivered to your home in time for Chol Hamoed!

Aside from the hours of entertainment, you’ll be getting the satisfaction of knowing that your money is hard at work – sending kids to yeshiva, pairing up Torah Mates, running Oorah’s Jewish summer camp’s Zone programs, and supporting all the good work that Oorah does.

Don’t miss your chance to order Shmorg 6 – donate to Oorah’s Auction to get your copy today!

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