Hikind Warns Public About False Shaimos Trucks


Following a story which YWN broke on Sunday morning, NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind released the following press release:

Assemblyman Hikind (D-Brooklyn) is warning the community to beware of trucks collecting shaimos (books or other sacred objects which can no longer be used but may not be destroyed) and to only use reputable services. The warning came after the Assemblyman received a call this morning from Yanky Meyer of Misaskim that there were trucks on 13th Avenue in Boro Park claiming to be collecting shaimos and doing so in the name of Misaskin, which Meyer said was not true.

“I want to thank Misaskim for the great work they do and for bringing this matter to my attention,” said Assemblyman Hikind. “Our community recalls the tragedy of what occurred here just two years ago when a van full of shaimos was found abandoned in Borough Park.” At the time, a resident of the community called the Assemblyman to complain of a van that had been parked in the community since Pesach. When a member of the Hikind’s staff went to investigate, he discovered a box van with out-of-state license plates that had received several parking tickets. A look inside revealed that the back of the van was full of boxes containing shaimos.

“That was not the first time that con artists had pulled this kind of stunt,” said Hikind. “The disposal of shaimos is often done around Pesach when people are cleaning and they have no idea who it is that’s accepting their packages of shaimos on the streets. It’s a cash-and-carry business that’s ripe for scammers. What an absolute disgrace!

“We must be vigilant when disposing shaimos and ask questions. Know who you are giving your shaimos to. If there are any questions, get the license plates and call our office.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. jew walker:
    Just put them in the front seat so they can steer at all the tickets piling up. That should keep them busy a full day. Bored stiffs always looking for something to say.

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